Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fall Lock-In

Scavenger hunts, sardines, gross games, movies, pizza, donuts, music, relays, friends, no sleep......yep, those are the makings of a youth lock-in!
Scavenger Hunting
Spam passing

Pantyhose Banna Cram

ABC/123 Word scrabble

Human toilet paper rolling

Monday, October 18, 2010

Laurel Falls.....well almost!!

Fall has begun!!! It is the perfect time for hiking in beautiful East Tennessee!! Though the threat of rain and chilly temperatures caused some of our group to choose to stay indoors on our first official CHUMC Youth Hike, we still had a great time!!!
Our plan was to grab some lunch and then head to Laurel Falls! We decided to try a new trail head, so our planned 1 1/2 mile adventure (from Dennis Cove) turned into more more than double that distance! We did see some of God's beautiful workmanship though!! The gentle stream and early fall foliage was really pretty! We didn't even let a little misty rain stop us. But, after a while, when we realized that we weren't even half-way to the falls, we made a group decision to forgo this nature walk for another......warmer/drier day and head to DAIRY QUEEN!!
But, the highlight of our adventure was definitely on the trail when we ran into local celebrity, and nature guru, Marty Silver!!! We could kick ourselves for not snapping a picture with him! We all told him that he had come to our schools when we were little.......all of our schools!! HA!

Join us on our next hiking adventure........when we will actually make it to the falls!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Scavenger Hunt!

Sunday, we had an unbelievably good time on our photo scavenger hunt! Some of the students didn’t know what to expect……but they quickly found out that they were in for a good time!! It was Team Kristen vs. Team Jeremy and both teams were very motivated to win!!! The teams had a long list of various pictures they had to collect of their group doing crazy things around town! The groups each had 1 hour to capture as many of the tasks as possible on camera….with each task being worth various points. When time was up, we met back at CHUMC for a snack super and a viewing of all of the pictures on the big screen! We ate, we laughed, we played a little b-ball and hung out! And, even though team Jeremy won by a measly 25pts……..we all (youth leaders included) had an awesome time!! Here are some of the photos we captured on our adventure! Both groups "with an outdoor sculpture." (25pts)


Team Jeremy got "entire group in one chair at the home of one of your members" (25pts)

Team Kristen got "entire group drinking out of the same can with their own straws" (25pts)

Both groups got "one member of your group in formal attire" (50)pts

Team Jeremy with "one member on a motorcycle." (50pts)

Team Kristen with "all member in a sandbox" (25pts)

Both teams with "entire groups reading books." (25)pts

Both groups "under a picnic table." (25pts)

Both groups with "entire team on a slide" (25pts)

Both teams with "entire team on kids riding toys" (50pts)

Jeremy's team got "building a pyramid on a football field and entire group blowing bubbles in the same pic"

But, Team Kristen got "entire team with blue tongues."

Both teams captured "entire team doing exactly what a sign says."

Both teams "bagging groceries.'

Both teams with a member "in a shopping chart."

Both teams "eating with a random family in a restaurant."

Both teams "working in or for a restaurant"

Both teams "pumping gas for a stranger."

Team Jeremy (Jeremy was taking the pic)

Team Kristen

These are just some of the pictures!! Again, we had a fantastic time.......even though Team Kristen lost! Everyone was a great sport!! Team Jeremy even got us free pizza and cheesy bread from the nice folks at Domino's!!!
We are glad we serve a God who enjoys seeing his children have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Lake Day!!!

Nothing can stop us from having fun.......not even a little rain!!!! We had an absolute blast hanging out at the Seegers' place!!! We swam, we skied, we tubed and we ATE! Fun was had by all!Even our youngest "youth" had a great time learning to water-ski!!Thank-you Mr. Chas and Mr. Steve!!! Our crew is Brave!!

Adam learned to ski too! We had a great time and look forward to many more adventures!!